Friday, May 26, 2006

MapQuest To I-90/94



Anonymous said...

That's right...JESUS. And that's all you'll really need in order to make it through. I know you'll be good bro because you have a strong faith in God. This is a test...a test to make sure that you will be able to handle the valleys you're destined to encounter in the future. Think of it this way...Christ was the Son of God and if He'd really wanted to, he could have easily begun his ministry immediately after he was baptized. But look back at the first 3 chapters of Matthew the next time you get a chance and you'll see that before Christ officially began his ministry he spent 40 days wandering in the wilderness (Matthew 4). He fasted and endured the temptations of the Devil for 40 days FIRST, and then and only then after he'd endured could he effectively begin to minister. So if the Son of God had to endure, we have to do the same. Are we not also the Sons and Daughters of God? God expects just as much from us. And don't be so concerned about making a difference. The fact that you live for Christ will have a much more profound impact on others than anything you could do physically. Remember, the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. The reward God has in store for you will undoubtedly be much more satisfying than anything man could ever give you. Be encouraged Davey! You're on the right track! Praying for you always!

Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY!
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Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. » » »