Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Not-So-Random Thought of the Day

One thing that has really stuck out in my mind the past few days is Gamaliel’s quote in Acts 6. I know your probably like, “Davey who is Gamaliel? I thought this was supposed to be a practical and relevant blog.” Let me explain. In Act 5 some of the apostles were preaching the good news of Jesus Christ outside of the temple courts, to much of the disdain of the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin.

So the Sanhedrin had them arrested and put in jail warning them against preaching about Jesus. When the teachers of the law went to the jail cells the next morning, however, the apostles were gone! But to make matters worse, the Sanhedrin found them again preaching outside the temple courts. At this point the Sanhedrin was TICKED! They were ready to take drastic measures to keep these apostles from preaching about Jesus even to the point of killing them.

But one of the teachers of the law stood up and offered up a suggestion and this suggestion has been sticking out in my mind all day. Gamaliel says, “Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”

This passage has been an incredible encouragement to me over the past few days. There are unsaved guys on this team that have rejected Christianity so much that they even have made a mockery of the way Jesus is changing some of these new Christian’s lives.

It is amazing how everyday I will get into a conversation with one of the unsaved guys and they will tell me how they don’t think cussing or drinking is a sin because it doesn’t spell it out specifically in the Bible. And I don’t argue with them. Because if God’s work is being done on this team through and through like we’ve been praying for, then nothing can stop it—not even these guys’ present desire to find satisfaction in the world. One of these days God is going to rock their world to the core and they will realize their need for a savior. I believe that whole-heartedly. My mission is just to point them to a relationship with Jesus!

I’ve also learned that no matter what anyone says or does or does to me, it will not last if it is mere human effort. And if God is behind it, then there is no need to worry about it because there is nothing I can do about it. Even the Pharisees recognized that God’s plans cannot be thwarted. So who am I to get in the way of God’s work?


Anonymous said...

Your courage makes me proud! In the words of one of my heros, Billy Graham, "Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of other are often stiffened." Keep on keepin' on, Son!


Anonymous said...

hey davey!!! wow...i'm so excited for you and how God is working in your life and through you to minister to others. i keep thinking back to when i first really got to know you in high school, and even then i noticed there was something very different about you. i'm so glad that you are sticking to your beliefs and morals and allowing God to use you. it's obvious that you are making a tremendous impact on people's lives and i encourage you to continue doing what you're doing. i'll be praying that God continue to give you the courage and drive to keep witnessing to unbelievers. believe me, i understand that it takes guts to tell people about Jesus Christ, but isn't it nice to know that God hasn't given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind? keep the faith brother and may God bless you always!! love, Brittany (aka!)